As players pay their entry fee, they will be assigned a table to start at and a "high" or "low" scoresheet. Players who are "high" will partner with players whom are "low".
One player on each team will keep score of both of their opponent's scoresheets.
Eight hands will be played in each round and the score after every hand will be marked as either; "X" for no points, "one" for 1 point, "two" for 2, or "four" for 4.
The team who scores the most points after the eight hands "win" the round and stay at the table. During the next round, the winners split up and play against each other. The team that scores the least will move separately to other tables. In the event of a tie, the team that reached the final score first will be considered the winner. Losing players that are "high" move up one table while the "low" players go down one. "High" players must always be partnered with "Low"players and vice versa.
When the number of players does not fill the last table, it will become a "ghost" table. Players that are on that table will be on a bye and score 7 points for that round.
The tournament ends after eight rounds. The players with the highest totals win the pot. The number of four-point hands scored will be used to break ties. The pot break-down depends on the number of players entered.

1. To determine the first deal of a game, cards will be dealt face up until a player receives any Jack. That player then becomes the dealer. The deal will continue to rotate clockwise from there until the game is over.

2. Following the shuffle, the deck is then offered for a "cut" to the player seated right of the dealer.

3. Cards may be dealt one at a time, or by the traditional 2's and 3's (in no particular order). The deal does not become official until a card is turned up. A dealer who has misdealt and then turned up a card before catching the error can not count the hand, but instead must pass the deal to the left.

4. Bidding starts with the eldest hand (left of the dealer). Play starts as soon as a player becomes the maker by ordering or calling trump. If four passes occur, a second round of bidding will take place.

5. If a second round of bidding makes its way back to the dealer, he can either call trump or give the opponents one point and pass the deal.

6. A player may order, or pick up without having any trump. The dealer's partner may assist (order to his/her partner), and not be required to go alone. "Defensive loners" are not applicable.

7. Cards must be played out one at a time regardless of how strong the hand is!

8. Players may not look at the Kitty, even during a lone hand.


Makers take 3 or 4 tricks...... - makers score     1 Point

Makers take all 5 tricks....... - makers score     2 Points

Makers are set................. - opponents score  2 Points

Maker takes 3 or 4 tricks alone - makers score      1 Point

Maker takes all 5 tricks alone  - makers score      4 Points

Maker is set while going alone  - opponents score   4 Points
Irregularities and Penalties

The Tournament Director shall be called in the event of a possible rules violation that can't be settled.

Revoke (nee "Renege"): Failure to follow suit when possible constitutes a revoke. A card exposed or laid is a card played. The non-offending team will receive 2 points, unless the revoke occurred during a loner, in which case a 4 point score is awarded. Note: if a team is accused of revoking and the tricks they have taken are not stacked in a manner where they can be checked, the accusing team automatically scores.

Exposed card: A card played or exposed out of turn will end the hand with two points awarded to the non-violators, four points during a loner.

Players should refrain from discussing each others' scores during the tournament.

Obvious signaling, crossboarding, or any form of deliberate cheating will face the possibility of ejection with the automatic forfeit of their buy-in.

This page was last updated: September 22, 2012
Home Run Derby Rules & Format:
Euchre Etiquette
Although the following card game etiquettes will be expected of you as a VegasEuchre participant, there are no specific penalties that will necessarily be assessed against you for violating them. However, if an excessive display of poor sportsmanship becomes apparent to the tournament director, a disqualification and/or permanent ejection from future events can be deemed likely.
Euchre Etiquette
1. Don't purposely hesitate while bidding in order to indicate that you have some help for your partner. Order up or pass. If you make a habit of stalling, the tournament director may be inclined to eject you.
2.  Keep your cards above the table at all times. If you need to do something else with your hands, set your cards face down on the table first. This is simply the proper way to play any card game.
3.  Make sure that all the players can clearly see each card that is played. Pick up and stack each trick in a manner where the cards can be back-tracked before playing the next card. A clean game is a beautiful thing. A sloppy game can be considered a form of cheating however.
4.  Don't make comments about your partner's play during a live hand. Constructive criticism may be helpful outside of the tournament but it has no place during the game. Negative comments to any players during a game are considered poor sportsmanship and could cost you a permanent ejection.
5.  Don't play this thing ONLY for the money! This is Las Vegas. You can gamble on almost anything here. This is a fun night out,  that is why the buy-in is only $15. Competitive = yes, Win-at-all-cost = no. Play hard, clean and fair and try your best to take home some bonus money. Most of all, enjoy yourself. Bad attitudes will be sent packing.
Format: 8X8:
Rules: 8X8:
The Las Vegas Euchreplayers Association